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Home // Shop by Manufacturer // Tyre-Grip Traction Spray

Tyre-Grip Traction Spray

Tyre-Grip. Black ice protection.

We at US Safety Solutions consider your driving safety to be one of our top concerns. This is particularly true in states where rain, snow, sleet, and ice can create hazardous driving conditions. Snow plows and salt trucks do a pretty good job of keeping thoroughfares clear, but the truth is that until the snow and rain are completely melted, you've still got to be alert. There are steps you can take to increase your car's traction when such hazards are present, but unfortunately some measures to increase tire traction are meeting with resistance and even banned on certain road surfaces. That's why we offer Tyre-Grip™, a product that is powerful enough to keep you on the road while remaining safe to the surfaces, which you drive on.

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Price: $24.95