This online store is powered by X-Cart shopping-cart-software

This X-Cart Gold installation is licensed for evaluation purposes only and this message must be kept visible at the top of every store page. You cannot use this installation for real sales without buying a license, but you can build your web-site during free evaluation. For details refer to X-Cart license agreement.

Removing this message without buying a paid license is prohibited and will result in legal proceedings.
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Privacy Statement


You are a valued customer of North Valley Diver Publications (NVDP) and we continually strive to earn and maintain the trust you have placed in us. Towards that end, we understand the importance of protecting the confidentiality and security of non-public information about you that we may possess.

We believe that we maintain appropriate physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to maintain the confidentiality and security of your non-public personal information. We work with the website provider (QCommerce with its InternetStore II and X-Cart Service) and the Electronic Clearing House (ECHO), providing the Secure Transaction Server, in restricting non-public personal information about you to insure confidentiality and privacy.

Our Website does not enable out visitors to communicate with other visitors or to post information to be accessed by others. NVDP will not disclose Cardholder information to third parties, other than the Bank's or NVDP's agents for the purpose of assisting NVDP in completing a Card transaction or as specifically required by law. NVDP, in an area limited to select personnel and prior to discarding, shall destroy in a manner rendering data unreadable, all material containing Card numbers.